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About Us

Our Mission

We help older Westerly residents remain active, connected and independent in the home and community they love.

We are a membership organization ----- not a social service agency. We supplement already existing community services, in our own unique way.

We help implement the valued practice of “neighbor helping neighbor” ----- matching the unique interests and talents of our fully vetted volunteers to the unique needs of our members.

Our members can be, and are encouraged to serve as, volunteers. Likewise, our volunteers who are Westerly residents can be, and also are encouraged to become, service-receiving members. Making connections with each other within our community is our aim.

Our Origins

Westerly Village was formally launched on July 1, 2021. Planning began in October 2020, under TVCRI mentorship and guidance and steered by a group of Westerly residents and leaders.

The steering group reviewed a comprehensive community needs assessment conducted in 2019, consulted with a wide array of community leaders and professionals, and was encouraged to help fill a large and increasing need for supportive services.

The Sunday before our official launch, The Westerly Sun published a front-page feature story, “Westerly Village aims to help older adults stay active and independent: venture debuts July 1.” Click HERE to read full article (permission gratefully granted). For more background on the community assessment and Westerly Village origins, click here to read a Village Common newsletter article titled “Westerly Forms New Village.”

Our Organization

Several of our former steering committee members volunteered to serve on an ongoing basis as part of our Westerly Village leadership team. 

For answers to the following frequently asked organizational questions, click on About Our Organization FAQ:

  • What is Westerly Village?
  • Is Westerly Village part of a larger network of villages?
  • How does Westerly Village fit and work with other service providers?
  • What makes us unique and flexible?


For information contact:


The Village Common of RI     (401) 228-8683