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Welcome volunteers! We are glad you are here. Volunteers are the key ingredient of a successful village. Our volunteers completely control the time and scope of their involvement.There are many benefits to volunteering such as connection to your community and sense of purpose.

Glocester Village of The Village Common of RI provides support for volunteers. These include the following:

  • Volunteers receive orientation, training, back-up and problem-solving support
  • Volunteers are vetted through a secure national online service
  • Volunteers are insured and training is updated routinely
  • Volunteers are encouraged, but not required, to join as members
  • Volunteers are asked to respect member privacy and uphold the mission and values of our organization

Glocester Village offers a variety of volunteer opportunities Volunteers are encouraged to consider their interests, passions, skills, and available time in choosing a volunteer role. Some volunteers work directly with members to provide services whereas others work behind the scenes.

Volunteering Opportunities

Volunteer drivers: Supplement existing ride services by providing rides for members.

Technology help: Assist members with learning and navigating technology on their cell phones, tablets, computers or TVs.

Running errands for members: pick up/delivery of such items as groceries or prescriptions

Home task volunteers: Assist with small tasks around the home that have become challenging for members.

Village friends: Make check-in calls or visits to individuals who might otherwise be isolated.

Yard and Property Work: Help members with beginning- and end-of-season garden chores: leaf raking, snow shoveling and related needs. Put out and retrieve garbage and recycle bins on a weekly basis.

Leadership roles: for example, serving on the Glocester Village Steering Committee, serving as the village’s Volunteer Coordinator, Membership Ambassador, Communications or Event Coordinator. Glocester Village always welcomes new volunteers.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact us at 


For information contact:

The Village Common of RI   (401) 228-8683
